I remember signing the enrolment form just 5 minutes after I chanced upon Achevas because I was freaking out a few weeks before promos in JC1 and thought that I’ll just give it a try. I guess my then rash decision was right because I never thought I would ever look forward to math tuition every week.
Achevas’ lessons were very different from tutorials and lectures in school as they are very detailed in their teaching and would make sure that each chapter’s key points are drilled into our brains before moving on to the next. The teacher, Jack's, hacks and tips are very easy to remember compared to what’s written in schools’ lecture notes. He is also one of the funniest teacher I’ve ever met and his jokes (together with his life stories) will definitely wake you up when you’re sleepy in class / watching the recorded videos on Achevas TV at home.
I was always slow at math but Jack would stay back after class to clarify my doubts and would also entertain my endless questions online. He makes extra time and effort to go through my school exam papers with me thoroughly (and maybe laugh at my dumb mistakes along the way) and gave me personalised advice on how I should move forward.
Even though the improvements in my grades weren’t immediate, I slowly saw myself understanding the concepts and grasping the techniques used to solve each type of questions over the course of ~1.5 years in Achevas. My view on math as a subject that was boring and difficult changed drastically, and I am very thankful to have met such an inspiring and dedicated teacher in my life.
I wouldn’t have achieved what I did in math without Achevas, and I am really grateful for all the help and support given to me ... THANKYOU LAOSHI!!